
    Next Swim Meet Tuesday 6/11

    Hello Twisters Parents,

    Please read all the below. Lots of information.

    *We still need to fill the 1st and 2nd half Master Recorder and the 1st Half Place Judge jobs for Tuesday’s meet.If you have a child swimming in the meet, please try to have at least one volunteer from your family signed up for a job.

    Link to Job Signup: https://fontainebleau.swimtopia.com/manage/swim_m...

    1.Swimmers should arrive slightly before 5:00 PM so that your swimmer is ready to start warm-ups promptly at 5:00.


    4756 Vermack Road

    Dunwoody, GA 30338

    2. If your child is swimming on Tuesday night, please sign up for a job. We have less jobs when we are participating in an away meet, but we still have a few to fill. There will be job training with the official at 5:15PM. The meet should start at approximately 5:30PM.

    3. Our team will have the shaded area to the right of the pool with tables and chairs. Team bullpen is behind the diving board and slide.

    4. Limited parking may be available in the Vermack parking lot. Additional parking is available on one side of Vermack Road; please be courteous and do not park on lawns or on the side that says “no parking.”

    5. PARENTS - Please talk with your children and let them know that swimmers are responsible for getting lined up for their events on time. The official will start the event without someone in their lane. The deck of the clubhouse will have each event number posted as the meet moves on and there will be an announcer for events.

    6. Concessions - Please note we are doing entirely PRE-ORDER for Chick-fil-A.

    Meal pre-orders are due by 5 PM on Sunday, June 9, 2024.

    Chick-Fil-A Meal Deal for $7.50: Sandwich OR 8 count nuggets + chips

    Venmo: @Vermack-SwimConcessions

    In the Note, please add: Name, Order information

    EXAMPLE: Wylie Coyote - 2 sandwiches, 1 nugget - $22.50

    Other Concessions will be available for Venmo or cash at the meet without preorder (exact cash preferred): cheese or pepperoni pizza slices, Gatorade, water, chips, and candy!

    Note: Concessions are entirely Venmo pre-order for Chick-fil-A meals. At the meet you can use Venmo(@Vermack-SwimConcessions) or exact cash for other snacks and drinks. Remember to pre-order for all coaches’ meals.

    7. I am your Meet Manager. If you have any questions, please reach out to me, I will be happy to answer questions. I will be coordinating all the job workers. Please find me when you arrive, and I will help you get started. If you are working the second shift and this will be your first-time volunteering at a swim meet, you can shadow the first shift person and watch them a few minutes before you start.

    Thank you.

    Go Twisters!

    Brian Quirk

    [email protected]


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