Swim Team Updates - ASA Meet, Picture Day, End-of-Season Party
As we near the halfway point of the season (hard to believe!), a few things to note:
Team Picture Day: We will look to take our team picture at our final home meet on Monday, June 24th. Please arrive at 4pm as we will look to take our photo promptly at 4:15pm. Please ensure your swimmer is wearing their green Twisters shirt! If anyone has lost their shirt, please check lost and found.
End-of Season Party: Yes, we are already planning for our end of season awards party! We will send an Evite out, but note that all swimmers and their families are welcome to join us, Wednesday, June 26th at 6:30pm. We will have dinner, ice cream and awards. The kids are allowed to swim during kids swim, but do note the pool closes at 8pm. If you are able to help pick up pizzas, set up, clean up, etc, please let Jen know.
ASA Timed Championship Meet at GA Tech: Our timed slot is scheduled this year for Friday, June 28th at 9:30am. Please note: cost is $48/swimmer and there is paid parking at GA Tech. This is an optional meet, but a fun experience to swim as a team in the olympic pool. If you have further questions about whether or not to enroll your swimmer, please reach out to a coach or Jen today. Registration is due Thursday, June 20th. Please go ahead and ensure your swimmer is registered either as attending or not attending so that we can get an accurate count of participants. For further information on the ASA meet, please see the ASA website here: https://asa.swimtopia.com/championship.
A HUGE congrats to all our swimmers on our win last week!! Keep up all the hard work--we may be small, but are we ever MIGHTY!!!
Finally, our hope is to continue on in 2025 with the Fontainebleau Twisters--but to do so, we need more swimmers, so tell your neighbors! And second, we need volunteers! We have a few people rolling off their board positions next season. Please reach out if you might be interested in serving our team in 2025: Sponsorships, Registration, Meet Maestro (computer/scoring).
Jen Belknap