
    ASA Champs

    Hello parents of our ASA bound swimmers,

    I have a LOT of info for you, so please read thoroughly. 

    Reminder, we are Session 5, Friday, June 28th at 9:30am.

    • We will meet in front of the CRC Campus Recreation Center at 8:30am and enter as a team (we have 5 swimmers competing). I will check our team in and the nice part is we can get settled, find seats, use bathrooms and get ready for warmups.
    • Our warm up time: 9:00 - 9:15 am - Girls - Pool - Lane - 8
    • Our seating section for athletes: On deck, section C (near the diving well) **Note: we may opt to forgo our spot on the deck and just sit in a viewing area as parents are not allowed on the deck.
    • Parents are NOT allowed to go on the pool deck at any time. Coaches will accompany every swimmer down to the bullpen for handoff to the ASA officials for each race. The ASA officials will have them sit in chairs in their heats and then they will all walk out to their lanes and the diving blocks at the appropriate time.
    • We do no job this year!!! Guess that's the happy return we get for bringing the fewest amount of swimmers.
    • Parking: HIGHLY recommend securing your parking pass ahead of time. To book a parking pass, go here: https://gatech.parkmobile.io/events . Parking costs will be between $12-15. Overflow parking for W10 and any day of parking for those who did not prepay is located at the W23 lot at 905 State St. These are relatively short walks from the pool. A map of the area can be found at Georgia Tech General Parking Map and ASA Parking Diagram and Map Please plan accordingly.
      Please don’t park anywhere else, unless you want your car ticketed, booted or towed. Due to construction around campus please try to carpool to alleviate congestion. Teams, please be advised that barring a miracle, traffic is still bad in Atlanta. Please advise your swimmers and families to build in a little extra time to account for any delays.
    • For those families who want to share in their swimmer's experience, but can't be there in person, they are live streaming each session this year! The link to the webcast is Championship Webcast Link, the link is also posted on the league website, please share with your family and friends.
    • For all other details surrounding the meet, please check out the ASA website: https://asa.swimtopia.com/championship. They include the psych sheets for each session (again we are session 5) to see where your swimmer ranks against other swimmers in their age group based on their best time. The first heat of each race will have the last swimmers in that list and the last heat of each race will be the top swimmers...there are 10 lanes for each pool, so you can pre-determine which heat your child may be in. I will print 4 heat sheets for anyone wanting one and bring with us to Tech.
    • Reminder of the order of events...unlike our usual meets, all relays go first (we have no relays submitted, so we'll have a little break between warmups and races), then we go thru free, back, IM, breast, fly.
    • Note: once your athlete has completed their events, you are welcome to stay and cheer on our other swimmers or leave. But if you decide to leave, PLEASE make sure you tell a coach. The coaches will stay until the end to collect all ribbons/medals and will get them to any swimmer who has already left.
    • Typically, we should be out of there by 1:30pm at the latest, but usually a bit earlier so they can clear the pool area and get ready for the athletes set to arrive for the 4pm session.
    • There is a cafe and vending machines, but feel free to bring your own water, snacks, etc.

    Wear that Fontainebleau Spirit wear and let's cheer on our Twisters for this fun day!! We may be the smallest team out there in numbers, but let's show them how mighty we are!


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